New Zealand Rugby CPF Training Checklist
🏉🚨 This checklist should be used in conjunction with the NZR Guide for Community Rugby Training Activities under the Covid Protection Framework document. It is subject to change based on advice from NZ Government and the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
As part of updating Rugby requirements to meet the Government’s CPF guidelines, all rugby clubs will need to update their health and safety plan which addresses the four key priority areas: trainings, changing rooms, club rooms and match days.
This guide helps Rugby Clubs and Schools develop a Training Health and Safety plan to support players, coaches, and managers.
NZR and Provincial Unions can provide additional support to Clubs and Schools in the development of their plans and may require verification of plans in some instances. If Rugby Clubs or Schools need assistance or guidance in developing plans, please reach out to your PU in the first instance.
Helpful information and resources on health and safety plans can be found on the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) | WorkSafe.
Worksheet Downloads:
- 🏉🚨 220127 NZR COVID-19 Guidance_Training Diagram_RED
- 🏉🚨 220127 NZR Guidance_COVID-19_Checking of MVPs
- 🏉🚨 220127 NZR Guidance_Traffic Light Settings_Training
Please Note: These guidelines are subject to change.
To keep up with the latest information visit
General Settings· MVPs must be checked Plus Contact tracing required
· 5–11-year-olds are not required to show or have My Vaccine Passes. · 5–11-year-olds are still counted toward the capacity limit of an event or gathering. · 5–11-Year-olds do not contribute to the vaccination status of an event or gathering. Unvaccinated 5–11-year-olds at a MVP gathering do not make that gathering non-MVP. · People not part of a gathering (e.g., caregivers, spectators or public -or anyone without an MVP) must remain at least 2m away from any gathering and Red setting public health guidelines apply to them. |
· If for any reason MVPs are not checked or people without a MVP join a gathering the gathering becomes and non-MVP activity and the non-MVP restrictions apply. · More than one gathering is allowed with 2m minimum separation between gatherings and no crossover between groups Try to conduct as much activity as possible in outdoor settings that allow for social distancing. · Encourage good hygiene – especially on arrival and departure. Have hand washing or sanitising supplies available for use. · Ensure facilities and equipment are cleaned regularly |
· If you allow equipment to be used by vaccinated and unvaccinated groups in separate gatherings, you will need to clean equipment when swapping between groups. · Consider varying training times to minimise numbers present at any time · Consider having windows or doors open where appropriate to provide ventilation. Weather permitting, try and host your activities outdoors wherever possible. · Facemasks recommended when not training |
My Vaccine Pass Used – Indoor or Outdoor
· Max 100 people per gathering (actual # based on allowing 1m2 space person). Capacity limits include children or workers. Note If using change rooms, the indoor limit will apply to the gathering. |
· Consider foot traffic flows – If more than one gathering is in proximity. Gatherings should not intermingle |
· Consider having windows or doors open where appropriate to provide ventilation. Weather permitting, try and host your activities outdoors wherever possible. · Facemasks recommended when not training |
My Vaccine Pass Not Used – Indoor or Outdoor
· Max 25 people per gathering (actual # based on allowing 1m2 space person). Capacity limits include children or workers. Note If using change rooms, the indoor limit will apply to the gathering |
· Multiple gatherings of 25 are allowed if each gathering can be separated by defined spaces · Consider foot traffic flows – If more than one gathering is in proximity. Gatherings should not intermingle |
· Consider having windows or doors open where appropriate to provide ventilation. Weather permitting, try and host your activities outdoors wherever possible. · Facemasks recommended when not training
Health & Safety Considerations | Potential Health & Safety Actions | Club/School
Person Responsible |
Sign Off |
Who is Responsible?
Each club and school will need to develop, implement, and monitor the training venue plan. |
· Consider Director of Rugby or Coach Development if one is available. Alternatively, a committee member or staff member.
· Develop a club/school plan and then require coaches/managers to develop their individual plans for sign off by club/school. · Regularly check in with your coaches and manages to make sure the plans are understood, working and effective. · Ensure all mandatory signage is in places to manage gatherings. Relevant advisory signage is also strongly recommended. Be prepared to rapidly update signage should Govt settings change. |
Managing Illness
Participants need to know they can’t attend training if they are feeling unwell. |
· Include in all club/school and team communications
· Include in pre-training brief Resources: See |
Managing other Sports
Have you considered other sports that use your facilities? |
· Make contact early with other users to share Health and Safety plans and co-ordinate activities.
· Be flexible around timings and agreed usage. |
Training Gathering Limits
Training gatherings include players, coaches, management, and support staff. The number able to participate is dependent on the colour setting (Red, Orange, or Green) and whether Vaccine Passes are being checked. |
· Consider staggering training days and times for teams. Avoid crossover of gatherings regardless of settings
· Be clear about defined areas for each training gathering. Consider coning or roping these off and using appropriate signage to make the areas clear. · Ask caregivers etc. to stay in their cars during training. Others must remain at least 2m away from any gathering · If planning opposed/mixed training with other training gatherings – this becomes a single gathering – so, consider if this is possible under the gathering limits at the current setting. · If people are not part of a gathering (e.g., caregivers, spectators or public – or anyone without an MVP) they must remain at least 2m away from any gathering and public health guidelines relevant to the current setting apply to them. |
Contact Tracing
All training participants must be part of a contact tracing process to record their visit. |
· Appoint a person to manage contact tracing and control preservation of training gatherings throughout training.
· Create a registration point at each gathering or training session. · Allow enough time for contact tracing recording to be effective and orderly before training commences · Ensure appropriate signage is in place to assist this process. Include Tracer App Bar code Mandatory for this to be displayed). It is mandatory to ensure recordkeeping at venues and events is completed. NZR recommends using the Covid Tracer App, but you are also required to have an alternative system available.
Resources: View the Contact Tracing resource at |
Checking My Vaccine Passes
All training participants must have a valid MVP. Resources: LINK NZR MVP Checking Document Here.
· Ensure appropriate signage is in place and that the requirements for MVPs at Rugby training gatherings are communicated to members in advance
· Appoint a person to manage checking MVPs for all participants at training (or other gatherings). · Create a checking point at each training session. · Allow enough time for checking MVP’s to be effective and orderly before training commences
View and download MVP/CPF Setting Posters |
You must clearly communicate prior to your gatherings whether it is a My Vaccine Pass event (MVP) or not and, any other information about the management of the gathering under the current CPF setting, Gathering limits, Contact tracing, traffic flow access to amenities etc. |
· Assign a person to be responsible for communication to members and to the public. These functions could be delegated according to people’s skillsets.
· Ensure participants are notified of arrangements and requirements prior to the gathering · Where public or visitors are likely to be present ensure, as far as possible, that any arrangements or requirements are communicated. E.g., via social media. · Ensure appropriate signage is in place at the venue – this should include the current setting (Red, Orange, or Green), whether MVPs are required or not. Identifying the defined areas, Gathering limits in all defined areas, Tracer app barcode, hygiene advisories and any traffic flow signage etc. · You can view and download MVP/CPF Setting Posters here: |
Equipment Cleaning
All rugby equipment must be cleaned regularly |
· Sports equipment can now be shared, but if you allow equipment to be used by vaccinated and unvaccinated groups in separate gatherings, you will need to consider your cleaning requirements when swapping between groups.
· Equipment includes but is not limited to balls, hit shields, weights, RipRugby belts, tackle bags, cones, and flags. · Disinfecting equipment can be achieved with a solution of 1:10 bleach to water solution in a spray bottle. Ensure that your bleach has not expired. Reminder: Your 1:10 bleach solution is only effective for 24 hours. · A regular cleaning regime needs to be in place. E.g., This could now be done after each day of use of equipment or facilities rather than each session. · Personal good hygiene practices should be encouraged and supported – handwashing or sanitising particularly upon entering and leaving. With PCP supplies such as hand sanitiser /soap readily available to attendees. Particularly a gathering point such as change room, clubrooms, and toilets. |
Personal Hygiene
There must be hand hygiene measures in place particularly for before and after training. |
· Ensure appropriate advisory signage is in place
· Sufficient supplies of hand sanitiser available for all players before and after training. · Access to soap and water to enable good hand washing measures. |
Injured Players
A plan should be in place for the treatment of injured players. |
· This may be a consideration at RED settings to assist in management of gathering numbers.
Changing Rooms
Changing Rooms may be used at all settings. Restrictions apply depending on the settings and whether MVPs are required or not. Changing rooms are one of the higher risk environments so particular attention needs to be given to how they operate. A separate guide has been prepared for Changing Rooms. |
· Ensure the room/s are well ventilated
· Monitor gathering limits so they are not exceeded · Consider traffic flows to avoid congregation of people or crossover of gatherings · Ensure appropriate signage is in place to advise requirements/guidelines · Encourage participants to come to the grounds ready to train and to depart immediately afterwards. · Use staggered approach to training gatherings starting and finishing training. · Only use changing rooms when the management plan has been established
Refer to NZR Changing Room Guide and NZR Guidelines for Training. |
After Training Socialising
Is there a plan in place to ensure players do not congregate prior to and after training unnecessarily in changerooms carparks or on fields. This is an important consideration at the stricter settings of Orange No-MVP, or Red CPF? |
· Encourage participants to come to the grounds ready to train and to depart immediately afterwards.
· Use staggered approach to training bubbles starting and finishing training. · Only use clubrooms in accordance with the relevant CPF settings for Clubrooms. |
Club/School Communication
The club/school should regularly communicate with coaches, managers, players, parents, and other parties. |
· Keep members informed of MVP requirements for any activities
· Keep members informed through regular updates. · Reinforce good behaviour and correct misunderstandings. · Conduct coach and manager meetings to ensure that risk controls are working. |
Monitoring the Plan
It is important that all health and safety plans are monitored and adjusted to keep participants safe and as Government guidelines change. |
· Monitor your plan in its early stages to ensure that is effective and understood.
· Stay updated with New Zealand Rugby and Provincial Union COVID-19 advisories. · Set regular updates to ensure that it remains sustainable and relevant. |
Please Note: These guidelines are subject to change.
To keep up with the latest information visit